Tebelopele College is an establishment that has been registered with the Registrar of companies in 2019 with the view to create an excellent student experience by providing innovative educational environment and opportunities through the establishment of partnerships and maintaining good stakeholder relations in support of an effectual education system.
Apply Now Apply now to enrol on the program/course of your choice. Download the application form below
Application Process
Application Forms
Download and fill application forms from the website.
Certified Copies
Attach a certified copy of ID (Omang), BGCSE certificate and Proof of Registration fee (P100, NON-REFUNDABLE).
Supporting Documents
Submit the supporting Documents (ID Copy, BGCSE certificate and Proof of registration fee) alongside the application form to this Email address (training@tebelopele.org.bw or APP 77715965) and wait for Approval.
Application Approval
Once the application has been approved, one is expected to secure a seat by paying the tuition fee of P1500 (when paying in 3 instalments), P2200 (when paying in 2 instalments) or P4200 (when paying in cash).
Proof of Payment
One is required to send proof of payment to training@tebelopele.org.bw or WhatsApp Number 77715965. After the proof of payment has been sent, an Admission Letter will be sent to you.
TCs and Cs & Admission Letter
You are required to read through the TCs and Cs and sign the Admission Letter and send it back to the email or WhatsApp number.