The campaign’s goal is to increase awareness and empower people, in particular men, on HIV/AIDS issues as well as increase testing rates and create a sense of solidarity on the response to HIV/AIDS in the country. The campaign targets activities that attract a lot of men in Botswana, for example, the Toyota Desert Race and Khawa Sand Dune Challenge as they create an opportunity to achieve the set objectives.
Project objectives
Strategic objective 1: Increase the uptake of voluntary testing and counseling services, particularly among men and young people throughout the country.
Strategic objective 2: Promote commitment to behavior change and healthy lifestyles.
Strategic objective 3: Increase community mobilization and awareness around HIV/AIDS.
Strategic objective 4: Contribute to the reduction of the stigma associated with HIV/AIDS.
The campaigns complement Tebelopele objectives through activities that will increase the number of people testing and receiving behavior change messages, preventing of new infections, improving access to quality care and support and promoting an increase in access to and use of services, including male participation in SMC, PMTCT and ARV. The collaboration with men sector and the armed forces helps in encouraging young men to know their HIV status and practice HIV prevention.
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