Tebelopele in Collaboration with FHI360 APC project is now offering SRH-HIV and post GBV clinical services in Gaborone, Molepolole and Mochudi centers.
The services provided are:
- HIV care services: care and support of HIV positive clients with Antiretrovirals (ART) and treatment of HIV-related infections and non-clinical services that in combination contribute towards the reduction of rates of ill health and AIDS-related deaths among people living with HIV.
- HIV prevention Services: is a mix of biomedical, behavioral, and structural interventions that decrease risk of HIV acquisition
- Family planning services: providing comprehensive education and ensuring access to preferred contraceptive methods for women and couples.
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- STI screening and Treatment: provide symptomatic screening and treatment of sexually transmitted infections.
- Non Communicable Disease Screening: screening of chronic illnesses that are not transmissible from one person to the other by checking and monitoring blood pressure, random blood sugar and Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Post Gender Based Violence Care Services: provide clinical care to those individuals who have been victims of GBV such as sexual assault.
How can we help you?
We are all the times available to help you. Do not hesitate to contact us.